niedziela, 26 maja 2013

1:72 motorcycle wheels

Chose a marker pen plastic tube of desired inside and outside diameter and cut a slice to make a tire.  

Shape round profile with use of sanding paper and/or files.

Carve the tire tread by cutting snicks with a blunt hobby knife, or (as shown above) apply a laser cut tire tread.

For the wheel rims I use thin steel wire with plastic coating (it's not eleastic and adheres well with use of CA glue) and proper diameter tube or drill bit.

Spool the wire on the tube or drill bit.

Use clippers to cut individual rings (two rings for one wheel rim).

To make the spokes I use artificial hair and some brass gear as a jig.

Run a single hair through the gear teath so each run would cross in the center of the jig.

Glue the wheel rim ring from one side.

And from the opposite side as well.

Cut the rim out of the jig and using a hobby knife remove the excess lengths of each spoke.

Paint the wheel rims and tires.

Press the wheel rims inside the tires.